Missing my girl

>> Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Okay, I've just got to say it! I miss Lauren. It's Christmas time and she's not here and it just isn't the same without her. I miss her smile. I miss her laughter. I miss her hugs. I miss the way she still squeals like a little girl when she gets excited. I miss sitting on the couch on Saturday mornings, before anyone else is up, and talking with her. And I hope she knows this Christmas, as she's far off in France, that she's in our hearts and that we love her.


Lauren December 18, 2007 at 11:11 AM  

Ohh... This makes me even more homesick!!! I just put on my Facebook yesterday that I wished I was tree worshipping. We're finally doing the tree here tonight (hopefully)! It's so late! I miss you!!! I love you!!!!!

Anonymous December 18, 2007 at 11:27 AM  

Bless your hearts. I do understand--from the perspective of that first Christmas I was away in the Bahamas and wanted to go home--I made it through, but it was hard.

Lynette, this is when we realize that our children were borrowed for a season, but they're not ours--they belong to God. Doesn't make it easy, but I find comfort in knowing that He knows, is watching over them and making them into the fine adults they are becoming.

Proud of you, Lauren. You'll never regret having had this experience. Use the time to build wonderful memories that you can share with your family both now and in the future. God is with you--He will never leave you or forsake you.


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