John McCain's Chatty Cathy Doll

>> Friday, October 3, 2008

Pull my string and I'll talk for you!

John McCain is a Maverick!...John McCain is a Maverick!...John McCain is a Maverick!

OK, I'll have to admit she didn't crash and burn. But come on people, I know to lower my expectations when I'm judging a high school debate tournament, (which I've done numerous times), but I certainly shouldn't have to lower them for a Vice Presidential debate!

Things Sarah still needs to work on:

1. The word Nuclear: It's pronounced NU-CLEE-AR
2. That fake folksy thing. OK for Hockey Moms, but not for VP's. *GAG*
3. Foreign policy. (We've talked about this one before, Sarah.)
4. Learn the definition of "Achilles Heel".
5. Get your head out of your notes. (That's really hard to do when you're operating on a week-long, boot camp crash course on Lincoln Douglas debate.)
6. Civics 101: About this expanding the legislative role of the executvie branch of government...uh, I don't think so. Ever hear of a thing called "checks and balances"?
7. Did I really hear you say that you support equal rights for gays? I'm pretty darn sure that Joe Six-Pack and Hannah Hockey-Mom are wincing about now.

But all-in-all, you did a lot better last night, Sarah--a whole hell of a lot better than you did with Katie Couric, (but that isn't saying much), so I'll at least give you that. But, the winner, by a long shot was still Joe Biden.


Tess Kincaid October 3, 2008 at 3:57 PM  

The folksy thing was making me dizzy. Chatty Cathy is a perfect comparison! How many times did she say maverick? I'm so glad Biden finally addressed that!

I had a brunette Chatty just like this one! ;)


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