Standing out from the crowd in a trendy world

>> Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One of the things that I hear quite often from people I meet is, "You and Steph are so unique! You're so interesting and creative!" It's true, we are rather unique, however we don't really strive to be different, it's just who and what we are. You see, we're not really concerned about fitting in so much as we are about being ourselves. We're quirky and we like that just fine. We also like quirky people. Steph is often heard saying, "I'm just a collector of human oddities." It's true. Get to know our close circle of friends and you'll know.

I found this article on 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd and I thought I'd share. If you're seeking to be different, these are some great suggestions.

1.Be Creative – This isn’t as easy as it sounds. Case in point: Half the people out there with multiple tattoos and piercings do so to be different, but how does this make them different from all the other millions of people with hoops in their eyebrows? Following a trend doesn’t make you different, creating a trend does.

2.Show, don’t tell – Anyone can write an essay about how great he is. The people who truly stand out are the ones who go beyond mere words. Make a video or stream a radio program instead of a resume or application. Create a press package with a clever promotional idea. The possibilities are endless.

3.Be Daring – Many people are afraid to push the envelope because they don’t want to go overboard or offend. You can still be a little daring – don’t cross the line, but you can get close. Cheeky can be high risk, but it can also me memorable and break down barriers.

4.Be Knowledgeable – Talk about the things that don’t just interest you but fire you up with passion. Don’t pretend to know about things you haven’t a clue. What are your areas of expertise? What are your favorite subjects? What are your hobbies and interests? Take the things that come naturally and use them to get what you want.

5.Be Funny – Sob stories are for Oprah. The reality is hardship tales are a downer. Don’t be a clown, but do be funny. Humor shows creativity, intelligence and personality. The people who count always give points for wit.

6.Be Sure – Nothing is more attractive than someone who is confident. Market yourself in a matter befitting this confidence, but don’t be cocky. There’s a fine line between self assurance and an over-blown ego. Arrogance is offensive, assertiveness is praised.

7.Be a Leader – Look in a crowd, who do you notice first, the leaders or the followers? Set yourself apart from the rest by being a leader. Think about how you lead ,why you lead, and the traits in you that cause others to want to follow - then use that to your advantage.

8.Be Respectful – Even though you’re encouraged to be different, daring and funny, doesn’t mean you should be insulting. Don’t be a suck up, but don’t be disrespectful either. Be careful when and how you let your hair down, and mind your manners.

9.Don’t Seek the Wrong Attention – Taking your clothes off gets you noticed but also gets you noticed by the police. Rudeness does get attention but it’s not the right kind of attention. Aim for people to remember your positive attributes, helpful and intelligent is better than acting the fool.

10.Be Yourself – You really want to stand out in a crowd? Be yourself. There’s no other you. What are your best assets? What are your skills? What are the things that make you successful? Find them, channel them and use them. Complete this sentence “Unlike other __________, I am/do/act/provide _________ which is good because _______”.

Adding your own spin to something that’s been done before is fine, but it won’t win you any awards for being unique. You need to find a way to be original but in a way that adds something valuable, memorable, and something worth talking about.


Kay Dennison October 28, 2008 at 11:35 AM  

"I don't know how to be anybody but me." is what I tell people when they comment on some of the things I've survived and done in my life. I don't do trendy unless I think it's fun. What I do best is be me. I get in trouble when I'm not.

Tess Kincaid October 28, 2008 at 2:04 PM  

Sometimes the oddities are the most interesting! I loved these tips.


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