>> Friday, October 10, 2008

OK, Senator McCain, THAT'S ENOUGH! We've had it! This has gone way beyond political mud slinging and is now getting dangerous! We've had it with your slander, your hate mongering, your contempt, your thinly-veiled racist slurs, half-truths & accusations, and your inciting your support to voice violent words against your opponent. These are volatile and frightening times for the American people and now you prey upon those fears and capitalize upon them by using them against Senator Obama, which in turn places him and his family in grave danger.

THIS is not how we behave in America. We went through a bloody civil war over this. We fought Nazi fascism in World War II over this. We went through the civil rights movement and saw the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy because of hatred like this, and after all we've come through and all we've seen we ARE NOT going to accept this kind of reprehensible behavior from a man who is asking us to place our trust in him as our next president!

This is not only an affront to the good Senator at whom this poison is being hurled, but an expression of disrespect and contempt for the American people. And you, Senator McCain, should be ashamed!


Kaye Waller October 10, 2008 at 11:25 PM  

Unfortunately, this kind of person only feels bad when they get caught and are forced to be self-accountable. He's still a fear-mongering bigot who doesn't deserve to be the leader of our country.

Great post. I wish I had half of your eloquence and savvy when it comes to politics.

Anonymous October 11, 2008 at 2:22 AM  

It's really a geat post


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